Table of Contents

Ideas for a new Backup program

Backup the backupers

The backup application should be backupable to! Otherwise you can't restore your backups 10 Years later, because all libs or script interpreters are not available anymore. As a consequence, the application can't be written in or rely on Python/Bash/… scripts.

Multiple Repo Versions

A Repo Version could be in one of the following states:

A Repo Version can have a different crypto setup (master key, algos, ..) or a different repo format.

Use cases:

User keys

A user (each user?) must be able to change the repo master key. This new key has to be distributed to every other user, without knowing (or having access) to their credentials → Asymetric crypto:

Keep history of configuration? Signed by user keys?

Does it make sense to have different repo versions (with different keys) but all are accesable via one single config, encrypted by only one key?


An admin should be able to do some simple sanity checks without having to decrypt everything. This has several use cases:
