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uni:8:ml:start [2015-06-11 09:22] skrupellosuni:8:ml:start [2015-06-11 11:16] – [Evaluating feedback] skrupellos
Line 5: Line 5:
 ^ :::      <- reward <-   ^ ::: | ^ :::      <- reward <-   ^ ::: |
-- Learner is not told what to do +  - Learner is not told what to do 
-- Trial and error search +  - Trial and error search 
-- Delayed reward +  - Delayed reward 
-- We need to explore round exploit+  - We need to explore round exploit 
 +  * **Policy** what to do 
 +  * **Reward** what is good 
 +  * **Value** what is good because it predicts reward 
 +  * **Model** what follows what 
 +==== Evaluating feedback ==== 
 +  * Evaluating actions vs. inst??? 
 +  * Example: n-armed bandit 
 +    *  
 +    * evaluate feedback 
 +  * after each play $a_t$ we got a reward r_t where $ E\{r_t \mid a_t \} = Q^*(a_t)$ 
 +  * optimize reward ??? 1000 plays 
 +  * Exploration/ 
 +    * ??? $Q_t(a) = Q^*(a)$ action value estimate 
 +    * ??? 
 +  * $a_t = a_t^*$ => exploitation 
 +  * $a_t \ne a_t^*$ => exploration 
 +== Action Value Methods == 
 +Suppose by the ??? play actions $a$ had been choosen $k_a$ times, producing rewards $r_1, r_2, \dots r_{k,a}$ 
 +$$Q_t(a) = \frac{r_1, r_2, \dots r_{k,a}}{k_a}$$ 
 +$$\lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} Q_t(a) = Q^*(a)$$ 
 +== \epsilon-feeding action selection == 
 +  * feeding: $a_t = a_t^* = avg_a max Q_t(a)$ 
 +  * $\epsilon$-feeding = $a_t^*$???? 
 +== In the 10-Armed test bed == 
 +  * $n=10$ possible actions 
 +  * Each Q^*(a) is chosen rounding from N(0,1) 
 +  * 1000 plays, avergage our 2000 experiments 
 +== Softmax action selection == 
 +  * Softmax grade action probabilities by estimated values $Q_t$ 
 +  * Bolzmann-distribution: $$\pi(a_t) = \frac{e^{Q_t(a)/\tau}}{\sum^n_{b=1} e^{Q_t(b)/\tau}}$$ 
 +===== Something else ===== 
 +$$ Q_k = \frac{r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_k}{k}$$ 
 +==== Incremental implementation ==== 
 +$$Q_{k+1} = Q_k+\frac{1}{k+1}\[r_{k+1} - Q_k\]$$ 
 +Common form: NewEstimate == OldEstimate + StepSize[Target - OldEstimate] 
 +==== Agent-Estimation??? ==== 
 +Learn a policy: 
 +Policy at step t, $\pi_t$ is a mapping from states to action probabilities $\pi_t(s,a)$=probability that $a_k=a$ when $S_k = S$ 
 +$$r_{t+1}, r_{t+2},  \ldots$$ 
 +We want to maximize the expected reward, $E\{R_t\}$ for each t 
 +$$R_t = r_{t+1} + r_{t+2} +  \ldots + r_T$$ 
 +Discounted reward 
 +$$R_t = r_{t+1} + \gamma r_{t+2} + \gamma^2 r_{t+3} + \ldots = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \gamma^k r_{t+k+1} \text{where} 0 \le \gamma \le 1$$ 
 +$$\text{shortsited} 0 \leftarrow \gamma \rightarrow 1 \text{farsited}$$ 
 +==== Markov Property ==== 
 +$$Pr\{s_{t+1} = s', r_{t+1} = r \mid s_t, a_t, r_t, s_{t-1}, a_{t-1}, r_{t-1}, \ldots s_0, a_0, r_0 \} = Pr \{s_{t+1} = s', r_{t+1} = 1 \mid s_t, a_t \}
uni/8/ml/start.txt · Last modified: 2020-11-18 18:11 by